Hailing from Liverpool, UK, Bulbs are Joey Zeb: drums, Andy Maslivec: bass, Neil Campbell: guitar and Marty Snape: electronics

Bulbs is both a musical concept and a real band which aims to marry adventurous music-making with information and sound samples chosen to challenge the audience to look around them at the world in which they are living. It aims to ‘switch on listeners like light bulbs’ to question conventional wisdom and corporate media propaganda.

As a virtuoso solo guitarist Neil Campbell expands the scope of his already densely textured compositions with various loops, delays and other electronic effects, making his classical guitar sound like a multi-timbral guitar orchestra. His various collaborations and his concept performance pieces such as ‘Ghost Stories: A Night Opera’, ‘Frankenstein’ with The Neil Campbell Collective and Sense of Sound Singers and ‘Inventioning’, a new composition being developing with Jon Anderson (Yes), have earned him a reputation for musical ambitiousness and innovation.

For Bulbs he has teamed up with Andy Maslivec, bass player from The Neil Campbell Collective, Joey Zeb, session percussionist and drummer with legendary underground Liverpool dub institution The Zeb and Marty Snape (The Mighty Zeb / The Hat Band).

Joey, a founder member of Zeb, has his roots in prog dub. He has sessioned on various reggae, rock, folk projects and met Neil during the highly respected N F I electronic improv sessions. He is currently playing with proggers Gorp and dub hop outfit The Corinthians.